
Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

At Ashdown Solutions, we believe that corporate social responsibility is an essential part of who we are and how we conduct our business. We are committed to creating a workplace environment that encourages and supports a diverse workforce and strives for fairness and equality.

We strive to make a positive impact in the communities in which we operate, and we strive to create a workplace environment that is a great place for our employees and our customers. We take the principles of the United Nations Global Goals Project seriously, and we strive to do our part to make the world a better and more sustainable place for everyone.

THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (un.org)

We recognize that our commitment to corporate social responsibility is only as effective as our ability to measure and track our progress. We will set clear goals and objectives, and we will track our progress to ensure that we are meeting our commitments.

In order to protect and promote these values, we have established the following corporate social responsibility policy:

UN Sustainable Deelopment Goals


Environmental Responsibility

We recognize the importance of reducing our environmental footprint, and we pledge to reduce our carbon footprint from our operations by reducing energy and water consumption, conserving natural resources, and reducing waste. We also strive to support local businesses and communities whenever possible.

We recognize our responsibility to minimize the effects of our operations on the environment, and we are committed to the principles of corporate social responsibility. We understand that our actions affect our customers, our partners, and our communities, and we will strive to make a positive impact on them.

Reduce & Recycle Packaging

Reduce & Recycle Packaging

We will use manufacturers using packaging that has been reduced and can be recycled in preference to one still using materials that can't be recycled
End of life reuse & recycling

End of life reuse & recycling

We will look to refurb and upgrade equipment where cost effective to extend it's working life Failed or truly end of life equipment will be fully recycled via specialist local partner
Reduce energy consumption

Reduce energy consumption

We are looking to replace old electric convector heaters with modern aircon units with air source heat pump functionality for our office. The office lighting system has been upgraded to LED units to improve light and reduce energy consumption
Reduce Travel to Site

Reduce Travel to Site

We will further develop our remote support capabilities to reduce the need to travel to site

Social Responsibility

We understand that our success is dependent on the wellbeing of our surrounding communities, and therefore seek to make positive contributions wherever we operate. We do this by investing in education, job training, economic development, and health initiatives. We are also committed to respecting the rights of all of our employees, and promoting workplace diversity and an inclusive work environment.

Living Wage

Living Wage

We pay our apprentices well above the government rate for their age
Training & Development

Training & Development

Our apprentices are on government approved schemes leading to BTEC qualifications All of the team are encouraged to develop their skills on a continuous basis
Community Engagement

Community Engagement

Allow time for team to support local charities and school trust boards
Equal Opportunities Employer

Equal Opportunities Employer

We actively promote women in technology Flexible and remote working options offered where appropriate



Ethical Conduct

We are committed to creating an environment of mutual respect and trust between our employees, customers, and partners. We pledge to adhere to the highest standards of ethical and responsible behaviour in all our business practices. We will strive to provide a safe and healthy workplace environment, and we will strive to be responsive and proactive in addressing customer concerns.
By abiding by this Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, we are committed to doing our part to create a better world.
Work / Life Balance

Work / Life Balance

We promote flexible workload management
Mental Health Support

Mental Health Support

We provide support to help keep us safe and healthy

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What our clients are saying about Ashdown Solutions

Google Reviews
Ashdown Solutions smashed our expectations during the Covid-19 lockdown period by optimising all our systems.

Insulated Tools Ltd

The team managed our move to Office 365 with clarity and patience

Ashdown solutions client

A very friendly, knowledgable and capable company

Ashdown solutions client